Support information
Update information
【Info】Updated the Q&A.
【Info】The site has moved from “” to “”. About the browser version games, if user data is not automatically inherited, please see .
Failure information, etc.
【Info】If problems regarding connection or name change are occurred, please clear the cache.
【Info】The cause is an update omission of the game file. Normally, reloading the page resolves. If it does not resolve, you need to clear the cache in your browser or app. If the clear operation does not resolve, it is thought that the clear has failed for some reason.
【Info】If the start screen is not displayed or if there is no change even if you push the “Reload” at the time of the “Version error”, please clear the cache in your browser or app settings.
【Info】It seems that a problem is occurred in some environments. If the start screen is not displayed, please try clearing the cache.
【Info】Completed the work to increase the server.
【Info】Started the work to increase the server. Problems may occur during the work. Please note.
Q&A (Online Games)
User name
【Q】I do not know how to change the user name.
【A】Please input the user name in the name field on the start screen and push the “Start” button.
【Q】Even if I change the name, it is reset to “Guest”.
【A】You cannot use names that included strings that registered to the blacklist. The blacklist is timely updated, but if there are a delay or an oversight in the registration, please contact via the report feature in the game or the form of here.
User data
【Type】Browser Version
【Q】The user data is not saved.
【A】Please enable DOM storage in your browser settings.
【Q】Can I delete my user data?
【A】Please input “delete” with half-width characters in the name field of the start screen and push the “Start” button, or use the delete feature in the “User data delete of app store version apps”. The feature is also available in the browser version. About the browser version, if you want to delete the data stored in the old site, please see .
【Type】IgoOnline MiniGoOnline
【Q】Please tell me how to immediately change the Rank.
【A】Please use the above delete command to delete the existing user data and then create the new user data.
【Q】Please tell me how to use the backup feature.
【A】Please get the backup ID and save it. The backup ID is displayed when you push the “ID” button in your user information. For the browser version, you can also get it in the “Backup ID of browser version games”. The backup ID input form is displayed when you push the “ID” button on the start screen. If the start screen is set to “Skip”, please reset to “Show” once.
【Type】PC Browser Version
【Q】I can not find my user information.
【A】Please click on the bold name at the top of the users list.
【Q】I cannot play with player vs player, because there are few people at midnight, etc.
【A】After requesting for the match, please wait until the start sound sounds. If you do not set the mute setting, the sound will be sound even if you minimize the browser or browse other sites. The screen will automatically switch when you are watching the match. You can rewatch the match at any time on the PC browser version and after the end of the match on the smartphone browser version.
【Q】“No game” is displayed.
【A】If a connection failure occurs at the start of the match, it may become the “No game”. There is no penalty.
【Q】I often lose by disconnection.
【A】When the automatically reconnect failed, you may be able to recover by immediately pushing the “Reload” button. In addition, the following measures are conceivable.
1. If you are using the wireless connection, change to the wired connection.
2. If you are accessing through a proxy, stop using the proxy.
3. If you have multiple browser windows or tabs open, close all but the game screen.
4. When the browser is running, please refrain from starting other softwares.
5. Disable (or uninstall) unwanted browser add-ons.
6. Stop (or uninstall) unnecessary resident softwares.
7. Please try other browsers that listed in “System requirements”.
【Q】Some people ponder for a long time or leave it alone.
【A】Please make the room with a short time or the room with byo-yomi.
【Type】PC Browser Version
【Q】I do not know the reason for win/lose.
【A】Please see the text area on the right side of the board that the match conditions and the reasons for win/lose are shown.
【Type】PC Browser Version
【Q】The point at the time of the win becomes “0”.
【A】Probably it is a free match. For match conditions, please see the text area on the right side of the board. For more information of the point, please see the “How to play” of the game.
【Type】PC Browser Version
【Q】The calculation of win/lose at the end of the match is wronged.
【A】Probably it is a handicap game. For match conditions, please see the text area on the right side of the board. For more information of the handicap, please see the “How to play” of the game.
【Type】IgoOnline MiniGoOnline
【Q】The judgment of territories at the end of the match is wronged.
【A】The wrong of the automatic judgment can be corrected manually. For the correction method, please see the “How to play (RULE)” of the game.
【Q】At the time of the match, it automatically becomes “pass” “OK”.
【A】It is a function restriction by the nuisance prevention function. Normally, it is automatically cancelled.
【Q】When the video is distributed, is it OK to display third party contents (advertisements, etc.) ?
【A】Sorry, cannot answer. Please contact each right holder directly.
【Q】Is it OK to monetize my match video that using monetization features (advertisement, gift, etc.) of a video sharing site?
【A】It seems that there is especially no problem. If you implement, please do at your own judgement and responsibility.
【Q】Is it OK to place an advertisement on the page (blog, etc.) where I published my match video?
【A】It seems that there is especially no problem. If you implement, please do at your own judgement and responsibility.
【Q】Is it OK to broadcast the private match screen on TV?
【A】It seems that there is especially no problem. If you implement, please do at your own judgement and responsibility.
Other, answers to inquiries
【Type】Igo Online (PC Browser Version)
【Q】Can I change the design of go stones?
【A】Please change the “Go stone” setting in your user information. Please see here for how to display the user information.
【Type】Igo Online (PC Browser Version)
【Info】The move sound is no longer sounding.
【Help】It was not possible to confirm the problem. It may be a bug that occurs in some environments.
1. Check the “Volume” setting in your user information.
2. Try clearing the cache in your browser.
【Type】Igo Online (PC Browser Version)
【Q】“Download error.” is displayed.
【A】If reloading fails, please try clearing the cache in your browser.
【Type】Igo Online
【Info】After the judgment of territories started, some people repeat to dishonest fix.
【Help】Set the feature restriction.
【Type】Igo Online
【Info】The problem that the screen gradually collapsed during the match occurred several times.
【A】It was not possible to confirm the problem, but the cause seems to be close to this. When a similar problem occurs, please attach the screenshot image.
【Type】Igo Online
【Q】DOM storage is enabled, but the user data is not saved.
【A】Please check if the site data is set to be deleted when the browser is closed. Also, check cookie settings. DOM storage is not a cookie, but it may be deleted along with the cookie. Also, it may be deleted by some software.
【Type】Igo Online
【Info】Problems such as the disappearance of go stones occurred during the match. I attach the screenshot image.
【A】It may occur such as when the PC is operated for a long time. It may be fixed if the PC is turned off and restarted. If the problem persists, please try other browsers that listed in “System requirements”.
【Type】Igo Online
【Q】The opponent's time stopped with 1 second remaining.
【A】There is a communication delay or disconnection. Please wait for the judgment of win or lose. It is usually judged within 1 minute.
【Type】Igo Online
【Q】I want to reject the opponent who has large rank differences when auto request.
【A】Please push the “Pref” button and change the range of the “Rank of opponent” in match preferences. After that, please push the “Auto” button.
【Type】Igo Online
【Q】Characters too small are hard to read for the elderly.
【A】Character size changes depending on the browser window size. If you did not maximized the window size, please maximize it. In addition, the following measures are conceivable.
1. Zoom the screen in your browser settings.
2. Increase the character size by OS settings.
3. If the OS has a “Magnifier” as standard, use the tool.
【Type】Igo Online
【Q】The upper ranks are black and the lower ranks are white.
【A】Please check the match condition. In the case of “Even game”, black and white are decided regardless of ranks.
【Type】Igo Online
【Q】Is it too much reverse komi?
【A】Please see the “Relationship between handicap stones of Go and reverse komi”.
【Type】Igo Online
【Q】Please tell me how to read “Time” in “Pref”.
【A】As an example, in the case of “20m”, “30s”, “3”, the countdown of 30 seconds (3 times) will start after 20 minutes. If you cannot move within 30 seconds after starting countdown, the number of times will decrease by 1, and if it reaches 0, you will lose by time.
【Type】Igo Online
【Q】I do not know how to start watching a match.
【A】Please click the row of the match that you want to watch.
【Type】Igo Online
【Q】Please tell me how to request of the match.
【A】Please push the “Make” button or the “Auto” button.
【Type】Igo Online
【Info】After the judgment of territories started, some people repeat “Resume” and do not agree to the end of game.
【Help】Added the feature to automatically agree when repetition occurred.
【Type】Uragaeshi Online (Smartphone Browser Version)
【Info】When I entered the play room from a few days ago, the behavior is stopped. If I reload the page, I lose by disconnection.
【Help】It was not possible to confirm the problem. It may be a bug that occurs in some environments.
1. Play in a stable location of electric wave.
2. Try other browsers.
【Type】Mini Go Online (PC Browser Version)
【Q】Please tell me the reason why 2 ranks differences are not handicap of 2 stones.
【A】Unlike the 19×19 board, the value of 1 stone is very large on the 9×9 board. Since it is not possible to make fine adjustments with the number of stones, The 1 rank difference is adjusted with komi 3.
【Type】Igo Online
【Q】I connected the mouse, because there were many erroneous taps of the tablet, but it does not behave properly.
【A】Touch panel models do not support mouse operation. It is recommended using a touch pen for games.
【Type】Igo Online
【Info】The pointer coordinates and the actual start coordinates may differ.
【Help】It was not possible to confirm the problem regarding the pointer (red circle). It may be a bug that occurs in some environments.
1. If the mouse sensor is dusty or the mouse pad is worn, clean or replace it.
2. Try the browser described in “System requirements”.
If the above method does not solve the problem, please recontact more information: “Game URL”, “Move number of the problem”, “Pointer (red circle) coordinates”, “Actual start coordinates”, “Reconnect information”, etc.
Update history (Online games)
Igo Online
【Info】Increased types of go stones.
【Info】Added the smartphone version.
【Info】Added the move select feature for private matches.
【Info】Changed the specification of the auto match request feature.
【Info】Added the private match feature and auto match request feature.
【Info】Supported simultaneous move of all robots.
【Info】The user information of the opponent can now be checked when requesting the match. In addition, increased types of handicap in robots matches.
【Info】You can now play with not only reverse komi but also handicap stones.
【Info】Supported the backup of the user data.
【Info】Added the feature of automatically reconnect when the connection is disconnected.
【Info】Added rank match (all even game).
【Info】Added free match (handicap game, even game) with robots.
【Info】Added the edit feature.
【Info】Updated 5D robot. It became strong a little.
【Info】Supported high definition display.
【Info】Added the robot of amateur dan level.
【Info】Added the robot of advanced kyu level.
【Info】Added ranking lists.
【Info】Added “Ranking” in the user information.
【Info】Enabled to get screenshot and game URL.
【Info】Increased the number of robots.
【Info】Added the analysis feature.
【Info】Released as the official version.
Mini Go Online
【Info】Increased types of go stones.
【Info】Added the move select feature for private matches.
【Info】Changed the specification of the auto match request feature.
【Info】You can now change the time.
【Info】Adjusted robots (8K to 24K). They become weak overall.
【Info】Removed the handicap change feature of private matches, and made all even game.
【Info】Added robots (26K to 30K, 5 units). There are 35 types from 5D to 30K.
【Info】Delayed the move of robots. Also adjusted 5D robot.
【Info】Added 6 robots, and covered a total of 30 types from 5D to 25K. Also adjusted existing robots.
【Info】Added 18 robots with different ranks. Also adjusted existing robots.
【Info】Added one robot.
【Info】Supported simultaneous move of all robots.
【Info】You can now skip pushing the “Agree” button at the end of all games.
【Info】Adjusted the design of the match screen.
【Info】The user information of the opponent can now be checked when requesting the match.
【Info】Changed the specification of 4D robot.
【Info】Supported the backup of the user data.
【Info】Added the feature of automatically reconnect when the connection is disconnected.
【Info】You can now change the behavior of the auto match request button.
【Info】Added rank match (all even game).
【Info】Added the edit feature and analysis feature.
【Info】Added the auto match request feature. In addition, it can now play with robots by “free match” and “all even game”.
【Info】Users information can now be viewed during matches and watching matches on the smartphone version.
【Info】Supported high definition display.
【Info】Changed the specifications of the lobby screen, etc.
【Info】Added free match (handicap, no handicap).
【Info】Enabled to resume after the match is stopped.
【Info】Added the robot of amateur dan level.
【Info】Added ranking lists.
【Info】Added “Ranking” in the user information.
【Info】Enabled to get screenshot and game URL.
【Info】Added playback button. In addition, you can now save the match record.
【Info】Changed the specification of the wait room of the smartphone version.
【Info】Changed the matching system. In addition, increased the number of robots.
【Info】When the match is stopped, taken stones are specified automatically. In addition, the lowest rank is changed from “18K” to “30K”.
【Info】Added computer match feature.
【Info】The sound comes to sound 1 minute or 30 seconds before the remaining time.
【Info】You can now select the time in private matches.
【Info】Added the private match feature.
【Info】Released the smartphone version as the official version.
【Info】Released the PC version as the official version.
Uragaeshi Online
【Info】Added the move select feature for private matches.
【Info】All existing robots are promoted (+2). In addition, 3 robots for beginners are added.
【Info】Changed the specification of the auto match request feature.
【Info】Added the auto match request feature.
【Info】Removed the handicap change feature for private matches, and all matches come to no handicap matches.
【Info】Added 3 robots. Also updated 7K robot.
【Info】Adjusted the design of the match screen.
【Info】The user information of the opponent can now be checked when requesting the match.
【Info】Added rank match (no handicap).
【Info】Supported the backup of the user data.
【Info】Added the feature of automatically reconnect when the connection is disconnected.
【Info】You can now play free matches with robots (handicap, no handicap).
【Info】Added the edit feature.
【Info】Users information can now be viewed during matches and watching matches on the smartphone version.
【Info】Supported high definition display.
【Info】Changed the specifications of the lobby screen, etc.
【Info】Supported SGF data of WZebra.
【Info】Added free match (handicap, no handicap).
【Info】Changed the specification to the same as “Igo Online” and “Mini Go Online”.
【Info】Added the private match feature.
【Info】Released the smartphone version as the official version.
【Info】Released the PC version as the official version.